Contact Us
We would like to hear your views
To get in contact with the OPCC, please email us at pcc@thamesvalley.police.uk.
We also offer a telephone answering service between the hours of 9am-2pm Monday to Thursday and 9am-12pm on Fridays (closed on Bank Holidays and Weekends) on the number 01865 541957. We currently have limited telephone cover with the preferred contact method by email (detailed above).
Enquiries in writing (by post or by email)
You can expect an automatic notification of receipt when emailing us. We aim to answer letters and emails as quickly as possible, and within ten working days from the day following receipt, however this may not always be possible.
If you would like to write to us, our address is: OPCC, Thames Valley Police HQ, Oxford Road, Kidlington OX5 2NX.
Please note: complaints should be submitted as per our Complaints Policy. You can find further guidance on how to make a complaint on our complaints page.
The OPCC is a separate entity to Thames Valley Police and therefore the PCC is not the Head of the Force. The PCC is unable to become involved in operational policing matters and so any police related enquiries should be made directly to Thames Valley Police by calling 101, 999 in an emergency or via their website.