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PCC challenges proposed street lighting plans in West Berkshire

Home > Latest News > PCC challenges proposed street lighting plans in West Berkshire

Matthew Barber, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley, has written to Leader of West Berkshire Council Jeff Brooks raising serious concerns about the proposals set to reduce street lighting across the district.

The plans form part of the council’s budget consultation and would see most areas becoming completely dark after midnight.

The PCC has expressed concern that proposals will present a significant risk to both safety and public confidence.

In his letter, Matthew said: “Thames Valley Police has been leading the way nationally in the work to protect women, particularly in the night time economy, with operations such as Project Vigilant. The unilateral dimming or switching off of street lighting may jeopardise not just the confidence that has been built up, but also the safety of women in our district.

“Of course there are other areas of potential criminality that are of concern. Overall crime has fallen across West Berkshire, but I want that trend to continue.

“There has been excellent work by the police both through enforcement and prevention to tackle knife crime in the district. Knife enable crime has continued to fall in West Berkshire over the last year, and we have secured additional Home Office funding to aid the fight against anti-social behaviour in Newbury. Creating an environment where people feel less safe at night risks putting some of those achievements into reverse.

“One of the biggest concerns from the public, that has an impact on local authorities as well as the police, is anti-social behaviour. There are many examples where improved lighting has been found to deter or reduce anti-social behaviour. At a time when I have asked the Chief Constable to increase neighbourhood policing resources to help tackle such concerns, it cannot be helpful to reduce street lighting across the district.”

You can read a full copy of Matthew Barber’s letter to the Leader of West Berkshire Council Jeff Brooks on our website.